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RedLeaf Biologics

RedLeaf Biologics was developed when one - in a field of 2 million - sorghum plant grew with red leaves, and Professor Seth DeBolt and his team at the University of Kentucky discovered it. Intrigued, they nurtured this sorghum variation with natural breeding techniques and studied its properties. Red coloration in crop plants typically hints at a high concentration of “bioactives.” The UK team discovered that this red sorghum was incredibly phenol-rich, and developed extracts that can be used in a wide variety of wellness, food, and even cosmetic applications. “At greater than 20% polyphenol content, our Sorghum Bioflavonoid Complex is packed with significant natural compounds like luteolin, quercetin, and myricetin. It’s also one of the only sources of 3-deoxyanthocyanidins, a rare and ancient class of anthocyanidin known to be a natural source of antioxidants and a number of other potential health benefits.”

Business based in Kentucky

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