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Natalie Gupton & Sharon Denney, USDA & AgSafe

In agriculture, family means the world. Nowhere is that more evident than with Sharon Denney and Natalie Gupton, a mother-daughter duo that rocks the agricultural community. Natalie is the COO and VP of AgSafe, while her mother, Sharon, served with the USDA Farm Service Agency for 36 years!

During her 36 years with the USDA, Sharon held the position of Farm Loan Manager. Her love for agriculture started in her youth when she was raised on a dairy and tobacco farm. She went on to receive a B.S. in Animal Science from UK in 1978, and that led her down a path of a lifetime with a career in agriculture.

These days, Sharon serves on her Farm Bureau Board, is past Vice President and current Treasurer for Kentucky Women in Agriculture, Secretary of the Ag Development Board, and Treasurer of the Wayne Co Cattleman's Association, Extension Council, and Extension District Board.

"Just do what you do every day in the ag community with sincerity and dedication. I have had folks come to me years later thanking me for something I have done. Often, I did not remember the incident or the significance at the time, but it made a big impact on them!"-Sharon Denney.

We caught up with Natalie and asked her about her life and career in agriculture, as well as her greatest achievements and any advice she had for others looking to make their own impact!

How long have you been with your organization, and what other roles have you held?

"6 years, Director of Development & Director of Business Services and Industry Relations."

How did you become interested in agriculture/working in agriculture?

"I am the 7th generation to be on my family's farm. It is in my blood! Though I knew it is not my calling to be a farmer, I knew I could serve the industry in a different way.

AgSafe was specifically attractive to me because the organization works to preserve the industry by assisting farmers, both big and small, in navigating regulatory issues to remain in compliance but also move toward best practices. Practical is a keyword in the organization's mission statement. AgSafe is a non-profit, and I get to wear multiple hats, which makes my job exciting! I get to do everything from training, teaching, fundraising, and grant writing to event planning."

What have been your greatest achievements?

"It is no small feat to find a career that I absolutely love. I find this an achievement! Agriculture is more than an industry; it is a community. Being a part of the leadership team at AgSafe is a dream. I am empowered to serve and give back to agriculture both in my job and through volunteerism on a national level!

Recently I was elected to be the President of Kentucky Women in Agriculture. This position allows me to serve in a new way. It is an honor to work with this group of women who give back to the community in so many ways!

I also have to mention my sweet family. My two daughters, Denney and Rayleigh, will be dynamos! I cannot wait to see how these two little ladies will impact the world."

What advice would you give to others looking to make an impact in the agriculture community?

"Making an impact does not have to be a grand gesture. Starting somewhere is key, whether it is your first job in an ancillary business, helping on your family farm, or just volunteering your time to an agriculture-related board or community group. It takes everyone giving their time to keep the ag community strong and vibrant."